The mix of generation technologies supplying Great Britain's electricity since midnight today. You can change the breakdown of production via the 'sources' dropdown and switch between GW/Percentage, Mix/Type and 1day/2day views. The chart legend and table allows you to toggle individual sources, and view average GW, % contribution and cumulative generation (GWH) for the whole time period, and time intervals when hovering on the chart (best viewed on a large screen). The lower chart shows overall carbon intensity on the grid at point of generation, and the legend and table breaks down these emissions by intensity (gCO₂/kWh), % contribution and overall tonnes of CO₂, for each source. Click on the 'Show Demand' button to togggle the demand chart. Data updates every 30 mins. You can also view and search historical data going back to 2009.
Supported by National Grid ESO Open Data
Contains BMRS data © Elexon Limited copyright and database right 2025
Uses National Grid's Carbon Intensity API